BMDCROSS.PUD Title: CrissCross, Add-On level for WarCraft ][ Creator: Players: 1-4 1 Player: Play from 1 (easy) to 4 (HARD!!!) computer players 2 Players: Play Co-op against 2 computer players (2-on-2) or DM 4 Players: Play against 4 computer players in 4-on-4 or 4 teams of 2, or every man for themselves The teams consist of: Red/1 and Blue/2, Green/3 and Violet/4 : Human Team (Human Players) Orange/5 and Black/6, White/7 and Yellow/8: Orc Team (CPU Players) The playing field is fairly obvious ie- you will know who your teammates are, I strongly suggest you follow this guideline for selecting teams. This is my very first PUD for WC2 (heh I just installed Win95 for the occasion yay =). I hope it turned out good, I think it'll play really fast and strategic, and it's also very well set up for teams. (a must!) If you have any comments or gripes (heh compliments are good too =), or wanna try and persuade me to make another one, then please email me, i'll reply to every response (I swear!) and would love to hear some feedback, espically on how far around the world this file gets. Thanx again!